Haazinu 5783-2022
“The Final Song”
(updated and revised from Haazinu 1999-5759)
The final song of Moses is intended to help the Jewish people remember the days of yore. The past is truly vital for Israel, as there is much to be learned from previous generations. Much pain and suffering can be avoided if only the future is approached through the wisdom of the past.
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Haazinu-Rosh Hashana 5775-2014
“Invoking Heaven and Earth”
How does the humble, former-shepherd Moses have the audacity to call upon Heaven and Earth and enlist their services as witnesses to the words that he is about to speak?
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Toledot 5773-2012
"The Sale of the Birthright"
What really took place at the sale of the birthright? The Midrash fills in the many edifying details.
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Kedoshim 5771-2011
“Judaism’s Radical Notion of Holiness”
In the closing verses of this week’s parasha, G-d calls out to His people: “And you shall be holy to Me because I, your L-rd, am holy.” This is the ultimate human challenge--and the ultimate human calling.
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Tazria-Metzorah 5770-2010
"The Human Animal"
The rabbis are perplexed as to why the laws of childbirth follow the laws of kosher and non-kosher animals. Shouldn’t laws pertaining to humans come first?
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Terumah 5770-2010
"Earning a Meaningful Living"
The vital message of the Shulchan, the Table of Showbread, is that not only do our prayers and our worship need to be sanctified. Our work, our labor and our means of earning a living need to be sanctified as well.
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Tzav 5768-2008
"Never Give Up Hope!"
The Torah teaches that in addition to lifting up a scoop of ashes and placing them near the altar, the priest must remove the accumulated ashes from the altar and bring them outside the camp to a pure place. The Beit Yaakov interprets this as a metaphor never to give up hope on any Jew. Even though the embers seem to be dying, we must enable them to glow again by placing them in a pure place.
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Haazinu 5760-1999
"The Final Song"
The final song of Moses is intended to help the Jewish people remember the days of yore. The past is truly vital for Israel, as there is much to be learned from previous generations. Much pain and suffering can be avoided if only the future is approached through the wisdom of the past.
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