Shelach 5784-2024
“Bread Alone”
(updated and revised from Shelach 5765-2005)
On the heels of the grievous sin of the scouts, G-d forbids an entire generation of men, 20 years old and up, to enter the land of Israel. Strangely, the story of the scouts is followed immediately by two Torah portions that focus specifically on Israel--sacrifice and libations, and the giving of challah. The law of challah required that a portion of dough, from every loaf of bread that is baked, be given to the Priest. This gift of challah, underscores the primacy of sustaining our teachers and spiritual leaders, and maintaining the excellence of Jewish education throughout the generations, even in the diaspora.
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Tzav–Passover 1 5778-2018
Tzav--Passover 1 5778-2018
Just as the Mincha, the meal offering that was offered in the ancient Temple, sanctified everything it touched, so do we hope that the Passover symbols and rituals will sanctify and elevate all those who experience them at the Passover Seder.
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Shelach 5765-2005
"Bread Alone"
On the heels of the grievous sin of the scouts, G-d forbids an entire generation of men, 20 years old and up, to enter the land of Israel. Strangely, the story of the scouts is followed immediately by two Torah portions that focus specifically on Israel--sacrifice and libations, and the giving of challah. The law of challah required that a portion of dough from every loaf of bread that is baked be given to the Priest. This gift of challah, underscores the primacy of sustaining our teachers and spiritual leaders and maintaining the excellence of Jewish education throughout the generations, even in the diaspora.
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