Shemini 5774-2014
“This is What the L-rd Meant When He Said”
What did Moses mean when he began his words of condolence to his bereaved brother, Aaron, with the enigmatic phrase, “Of this did the L-rd speak, saying.”
0 Comments11 Minutes
Vayikra 5774-2014
“The Essence of Sacrifice”
Rabbi Ben-Zion Firer argues that the primary purpose of the rituals of animal sacrifice is to prevent future sinful actions, rather than atone for past trespasses.
0 Comments5 Minutes
Va’etchanan-Tisha B’Av 5769-2009
"Tisha B'Av: Never Beyond Redemption"
Given the extent of the evil, and the commitment to evil that pervaded those early generations, it is almost inconceivable that G-d would grant his prodigal children forgiveness. Yet, not only did G-d grant forgiveness to His children, He actually predicted their return, saying that no matter how distant the Jewish people stray, they will always be welcomed back.
0 Comments8 Minutes