Emor 5774-2014
“The Sadducees and the Counting of the Omer”
One of the best known and most formidable disagreements between the Sadducees (the literalists) and Pharisees (the traditionalists) during the final years of the Second Temple concerned the counting of the Omer.
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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5773-2013
"They’re Not Laughing At Me Anymore!"
In the spirit of the powerful message that Moses delivered to the Jewish people at the end of his life, regarding the validity of the traditional Jewish lifestyle, I would like to share an essay that I composed several years ago, “They’re Not Laughing At Me Anymore!”
0 Comments17 Minutes
Kee Tavo 5773-2013
"Not Rushing to Judgment"
There are usually two sides to every story. We must always listen to, and carefully analyze, both sides, before jumping to what may be incorrect conclusions.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Passover 5773-2013
“Remembering the Exodus From Egypt”
The phrase “to remember the Exodus from Egypt” seems to appear everywhere one looks in Jewish life. Remembering the Exodus from Egypt is indeed a fundamental principle of Jewish life with abundant implications and ramifications.
0 Comments14 Minutes