Eikev 5771-2011
"Finding the Greatness of G-d in His Humility"
How do mere mortals dare pray to the All-Powerful G-d? Because there is incontrovertible evidence that our omnipotent G-d cares about the weak and the downtrodden. This knowledge serves as our license to pray, to ask that the coming days, weeks and years be times of blessing and beneficence.
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Va’etchanan 5771-2011
"The Ten Commandments: The Differences"
The fact that there are two versions of the Ten Commandments in the Torah with slight differences in the texts raises significant questions. These questions are confronted head-on by the incredibly intellectually honest approach of Jewish scholarship. This educational legacy of Judaism, which encourages students to constantly search for truth, has shaped young Jewish minds for millennia, resulting in unparalleled intellectual achievements.
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Metzora 5771-2011
"We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident"
Notwithstanding the uniqueness of the Declaration of Independence, the idea that certain concepts and ideas are truly “self-evident,” is not an original Jeffersonian concept. The Torah is filled with concepts and ideas that are regarded as self-evident.
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Tzav-Purim 5771-2011
“Shabbat and Purim”
This year, the festival of Purim begins at the conclusion of Shabbat. A careful review of the Book of Esther reveals a number of fascinating connections between the story of Purim and the holy day of Shabbat.
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Behar-Bechukotai 5770-2010
"Making a Reckoning"
How does the Torah regard the rights and property of non-Jews? In parashat Behar we learn of a remarkable law that protects the rights of a non-Jew even in a situation where the welfare and security of a Jew might be thought to override those rights.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Passover 5770-2010
"The Festival of Liberation"
The care, some would say, obsessive concern, with which Jews try to avoid chometz is widely acknowledged. If that is the case, why has matzoh not been prohibited, since it embodies the exact ingredients found in chometz?
0 Comments8 Minutes