Metzorah 5782-2022
“The Nidah--Affirming the Infinite Value of Human Life”
(updated and revised from Metzorah 5763-2003)
The laws of the menstruant woman are extremely complicated and are frequently misinterpreted and misunderstood. The Nidah has nothing to do with impurity. To the contrary, the rituals of The Nidahserve as an affirmation of life, underscoring the basic Jewish tenet that the sanctity of human life is the bottom line of all of Judaism.
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Metzorah 5779-2019
“The Ultimate Value and Sanctity of Human Life in Judaism”
(Revised and updated from Metzorah 5760-2000)
In ancient times, not only a menstruant woman, but also a man who has had a seminal emission, were rendered ritually impure. These complex laws of emissions and purification, that seem so crude at first blush, are truly enlightened. They come to underscore the sanctity of human life and Judaism’s ultimate regard for the value of life.
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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5777-2017
“The Convert and the Second Passover”
The fascinating laws of פֶּסַח שֵׁנִי--Pesach Shay’nee, the second Passover, not only inform us of the true reasons for Passover observance, but also enlighten us regarding important practices in determining Jewish law.
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Tazria-Metzorah 5767-2007
"The Conundrum of Childbirth"
The Torah in parashat Tazria declares that after the birth of a male child, a woman is in a state of ritual impurity for seven days followed by a state of ritual purity for 33 days. After the birth of a female child, the birth mother is in a state of ritual impurity for 14 days, followed by a state of ritual purity for 66 days. Our rabbis are perplexed by the law that a woman should be in a state of ritual impurity at all after giving birth to a child, and why the numbers of days of impurity and purity are doubled for a female child as opposed to the birth of a male child.
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Chukat-Balak 5766-2006
"The Sanctity of Human Life"
The laws of the Red Heifer recorded in parashat Chukat seem archaic and antiquated. But, in truth, the ritual of the Red Heifer is an extraordinarily important ritual that drives home the invaluable life lesson regarding the principle of the sanctity of human life and the major role that this principle plays in every aspect of Jewish life and practice.
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Metzorah 5763-2003
"The Nidah--Affirming the Sanctity of Life"
The laws of the menstruant woman are extremely complicated and are frequently misinterpreted and misunderstood. Nidah has nothing to do with impurity. To the contrary, the ritual is an affirmation of life, underscoring the basic Jewish tenet that the sanctity of human life is the bottom line of all of Judaism.
0 Comments6 Minutes
Metzorah 5760-2000
"The Ultimate Value and Sanctity of Human Life in Judaism"
Not only a menstruant woman, but also a man who has had emissions was rendered ritually impure in ancient times. These complex laws of emissions and purification that seem so crude at first blush are truly enlightened. They come to teach the sanctity of human life and its ultimate value in Judaism.
0 Comments10 Minutes