Shemot 5785-2025
“In the Merit of Miriam”
(updated and revised from Shemot 5765-2005)
In this week’s parasha we learn of the birth and development of Moses. We also learn, albeit anonymously, of his mother, father and sister. The Midrash however builds up the role of Miriam (Moses’s sister), portraying her as a formidable and foremost savior and heroine of her people.
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Shemot 5784-2024
“The Message of the Burning Bush”
(updated and revised from Shemot 5764-2004)
Why does G-d choose to reveal Himself to the world's greatest prophet from the midst of a burning bush? What lessons reside in the endowments of a small thornbush that are reflected in the manifestation of the Divine presence? It is a message of humility on G-d's part, and a means of elevating all His people.
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Pinchas 5774-2014
“The Battle for Women’s Rights”
Especially among those who have limited familiarity with the original scriptural sources, it is often perceived that women are regarded by Jewish tradition as being submissive and subservient to men, eager to fulfill the men’s will. Rabbi Yaakov Philber shows that this is a thoroughly incorrect perception.
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Shemot 5765-2004
"In the Merit of Miriam"
In this week's parasha we learn of the birth and development of Moses. We also learn, albeit anonymously, of his mother, father and sister. The Midrash, however, builds up the role of Miriam (Moses' sister), portraying her as a formidable savior and heroine of her people.
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