Bo 5781-2021
“The Slave Mentality”
(updated and revised from Bo 5761–2001)
The Mechilta tells us that what a simple maidservant saw at the Red Sea even the greatest prophets of the future were not to see. If G-d was so close and so palpable to the ancient Israelites, how then was it possible for the Jewish people to lose faith so quickly?
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B’shalach 5779-2019
“The שִׁירָה --Shira: The Source of All Song”
(Revised and updated from B'shalach 5760-2000)
According to Jewish tradition, all song emanates from the purity and devotion of the song that the People of Israel sang over three thousand years ago at the crossing of the Red Sea.
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Yitro 5767-2007
"Will Our Children be Our Guarantors?"
The Midrash Tanchuma states that before He gave the Torah to the People of Israel, the Al-mighty insisted on guarantors. When the patriarchs were offered as guarantors, they were rejected. Only when the children of Israel were offered, did G-d accept. If our children are to effectively serve as guarantors, they must receive an intensive Jewish education of the highest quality.
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Yitro 5766-2006
"Sanctify Them, Today and Tomorrow"
In parashat Yitro we read of the Revelation at Sinai, and the special preparations the people had to make for the Revelation. G-d tells Moses to inform the people that they should be sanctified "today and tomorrow." Our commentators state that "today" may be easy to remain sanctified, but "tomorrow" is not always easy. This message applies not only to the generation of the revelation at Sinai, but to us as well. The tests that the ancients faced are, in fact, the very same challenges that we face today in the 21st century.
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Bo 5761-2001
"The Slave Mentality"
The Mechilta tells us that what a simple maidservant saw at the Red Sea even the greatest prophets of the future were not to see. If G-d was so close and so palpable to the ancient Israelites, how then was it possible for the Jewish people to lose faith so quickly? Unfortunately, this generation of Hebrews, who were brought up in Egyptian slavery that lasted for over 100 years, were unable to disassociate themselves from the slave mentality that they had acquired. Not even miracles could change their fixed attitudes. Therefore, that generation could not enter Israel and had to be replaced with a more appropriate generation, one that was born in freedom.
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B’shalach 5760-2000
"The Shira: Source of all Song"
According to Jewish tradition, all song emanates from the purity and devotion of the song that the people of Israel sang over three thousand years ago at the crossing of the Red Sea.
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