Bechukotai 5779-2019
“The Big ‘IF.’ The Gift of Free Choice”
(Revised and updated from Bechukotai 5760-2000)
The little Hebrew word “im“–“if,” that begins the verse, “If you follow my decrees” is a critical word for all of humankind. It implies that all human beings have a very special gift from G-d–-freedom to choose. Our Torah does not speak of predestination, it speaks of choice. Even the Hebrew word for faith, “Emunah,” begins in Hebrew with the same letters as im, implying choice.
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Behar 5779-2019
“Wronging One Another, the Torah’s Unique Viewpoint”
(Revised and updated from Behar 5760-2000)
Jewish law maintains that vulnerable people must be especially protected from abuse. Therefore, one is forbidden to say even truthful things to them or to others that may be hurtful to them. These remarkable Torah laws provide many insights and directives that are intended to help others behave with more sensitivity toward one another, and create a more caring society.
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Emor 5779-2019
“The Gift of Celebration”
Revised and updated from Emor 5761-2001)
Parashat Emor features the celebration of Shabbat and the Jewish holidays--the festivals of G-d and the holy convocations that the people observe at their appropriate times. Proper celebrations are necessary for healthy living. It is important for the community to salute all the seasons of the year, and acknowledge that Shabbat and the Jewish holidays are truly remarkable gifts from the Al-mighty.
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Kedoshim 5779-2019
“The Revolutionary Idea of ‘Holiness’”
(Revised and updated from Kedoshim 5760-2000)
In parashat Kedoshim, we learn much about the revolutionary idea that the Torah introduced into civilization–-the concept of kedusha--“holiness.” As the Torah boldly declares, “You shall be holy, for I, the L-rd your G-d am holy.” Unless one subscribes to the belief that every human is holy and a reflection of the Divine, there is really no limit to the extent of depravity and immorality to which humans may sink.
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Acharei Mot 5779-2019
“The Forbidden Relationships Work Both Ways”
(Revised and updated from Acharei Mot 5760-2000)
Parashat Acharei Mot lists, in a very forceful manner, the rules and regulations regarding immoral and forbidden sexual relationships. It is this text that is read publicly at the afternoon Yom Kippur service in order to remind the Jewish people of proper moral conduct. However, it is also perhaps a reminder to G-d that just as He expects His people to be loyal to Him, so must He be loyal to His people and not exchange us for any other people.
0 Comments6 Minutes
Passover II 5779-2019
“On the Seventh Day the Walls of Water Split”
(Revised and updated from Passover 5765-2005)
According to tradition, the Children of Israel marched through the Sea of Reeds (the Red Sea) on the seventh day of Passover. The Torah, in Exodus 14, declares twice that “the waters were a wall for them on their right and on their left.” This unusual repetition of the phrase begs elucidation, and, of course, there is much to learn from this repetition.
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Passover 1 5779-2019
“The Passover Seder–Focus on the Children”
(Revised and updated from Passover 5760-2000)
Even before the enslavement of the Jews began, Pharaoh instructed the midwives to kill all the newborn Jewish babies. The Midrash goes further, asserting that Pharaoh’s disproportionate hatred of Jewish children led him to try to remedy his leprosy affliction by bathing in the blood of Jewish children. On Passover night, every Jew is a child, and every Jew becomes a parent, to underscore the importance of nurturing the next generation.
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Metzorah 5779-2019
“The Ultimate Value and Sanctity of Human Life in Judaism”
(Revised and updated from Metzorah 5760-2000)
In ancient times, not only a menstruant woman, but also a man who has had a seminal emission, were rendered ritually impure. These complex laws of emissions and purification, that seem so crude at first blush, are truly enlightened. They come to underscore the sanctity of human life and Judaism’s ultimate regard for the value of life.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Tazria 5779-2019
“Death and Life are in the 'Hands' of the Tongue!”
(Revised and updated from Tazria 5760-2000)
We tend to dismiss the power of the tongue, and yet it is so powerful, that it often has the ability to give life and take life.
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Shemini 5779-2019
"Substance Abuse in Judaism"
(Revised and updated from Shemini 5760-2000)
The severe punishment meted out to the sons of Aaron, leaves us with a powerful reason to carefully examine the Jewish attitude toward intoxicants and drugs. Alcoholism and drug abuse is serious business, not something that can be ignored. Wine is a divine gift, that plays a key role in Judaism. Yet, we need to make certain that it is treated as a special gift and imbibed with respect.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Tzav 5779-2019
"Remembering Amalek: A Contemporary View”
(Revised and updated from Tzav 5760-2000)
Jewish tradition looks upon Haman and all those truly wicked enemies who sought to destroy the Jewish people as the heirs of the ancient Amalekites, the fierce nation that was the first to attack the people of Israel, especially the stragglers and the weak, after the exodus from Egypt. While remembering Amalek is important, rebuilding and guaranteeing a Jewish future is far more important.
0 Comments13 Minutes
Vayikra 5779-2019
"Thanking G-d for the Good”
(Revised and updated from Vayikra 5760-2000)
For mortals, it’s not easy to maintain a sense of gratitude for the constant miracles that are part of our everyday existence. The Sh’lamim, the Peace Offering, enables us to express our gratitude to G-d at all times, and not to just cry out and denounce G-d when things are wrong or uncomfortable. It’s easy to complain about the bad; it’s far more difficult to say “Thank You” for the good.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Pekudei 5779-2019
"Honesty and Integrity in Public Life”
(Revised and updated from Pekudei 5760-2000)
In parashat Pekudai, the Torah portion provides an exact accounting of the amount of gold, silver, and copper that was contributed to the construction of the Tabernacle. Honesty and integrity play a major role in the Jewish religion. Especially leaders, who are meant to serve as role models for the rest of the community, are expected to live up to the highest standards of probity.
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Vayakhel 5779-2019
"Jewish Women and Jewish Destiny"
(Revised and updated from Vayakhel 5760-2000)
We are told in parashat Vayakhel that the Jewish women responded immediately to the appeals that were made by Moses for gold for building the Tabernacle, swiftly removing their precious jewelry and rushing them to the Tabernacle. This was only one of the many heroic actions that the women of Israel performed. The key role that the women of Israel played in the redemption of the people of Israel is confirmed by the remarkable rabbinic statement asserting that “only in the merit of the righteous women, were our ancestors redeemed from Egypt.” It is quite likely that this is true, not only of the generation of Egypt, but for all subsequent generations as well.
0 Comments16 Minutes
Kee Tisah 5779-2019
“The ‘Vengeful’ G-d”
(Revised and updated from Kee Tisah 5760-2000)
The last of the so-called “13 Attributes of G-d’s Mercy” is that G-d does not entirely cleanse sinners, and that He may be vengeful. If we are expected to imitate G-d, then perhaps we too should be vengeful?
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Tetzaveh 5779-2019
“Clothes: A Reflection of the Divine Image”
(Revised and updated from Tetzaveh 5760-2000)
Clothes play an important role in Judaism and in Jewish tradition. After all, the Al-mighty was the “First Designer” of clothes for Adam and Eve. The clothes that the priests wore, not only invested them with sanctity, but also represented the values that the priests were trying to communicate to the people.
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Terumah 5779-2019
“The Mishkan: Underscoring the Centrality of the Home in Jewish Life”
The Mishkan–the Tabernacle–is very much like a home, and has all the furnishings that are found in a home. The fact that our synagogue is called a Beit Kinesset, a house of coming together, underscores the importance of the home. Unless our homes serve as dwelling places for G-d, there will be little chance that our religion will be effectively communicated in our synagogues or in our temples.
0 Comments14 Minutes
Mishpatim 5779-2019
“From Seemingly Obscure Laws, the Torah Teaches the Ultimate Value of the Sanctity of Human Life”
(Revised and updated from Mishpatim 5760-2000)
According to Jewish tradition, all song emanates from the purity and devotion of the song that the People of Israel sang over three thousand years ago at the crossing of the Red Sea.
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Yitro 5779-2019
“An Encounter with Jethro and the Non-Jewish World”
(Revised and updated from Yitro 5760-2000)
3,300 years ago, when xenophobia reigned supreme throughout the ancient world, the Torah admonished Jews not to reject sage advice simply because it emanates from a non-Jewish source. In fact, Jews are encouraged to look for good, healthy and valid ideas anywhere in the world, Jewish and secular, and embrace those ideas with open arms.
0 Comments11 Minutes
B’shalach 5779-2019
“The שִׁירָה --Shira: The Source of All Song”
(Revised and updated from B'shalach 5760-2000)
According to Jewish tradition, all song emanates from the purity and devotion of the song that the People of Israel sang over three thousand years ago at the crossing of the Red Sea.
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Bo 5779-2019
"Nothing Stands in the Way of Teshuva!"
Nothing stands in the way of Teshuva. Even wicked Pharaoh can repent.
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Va’eira 5779-2018
"The Cups of Redemption"
Rabbi Asher Weiss maintains that there are four levels of slavery that parallel the four languages of liberation found in parashat Va’eira, and are represented by the four cups of wine that we drink at the Passover Seder.
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Shemot 5779-2018
“Getting the Jews Out of Egypt-–Two Views”
Rabbi Ben-Zion Firer argues that Moses and G-d had different approaches regarding the process of the redemption of the Jewish people from Egypt.
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Vayechi 5779-2018
“Jacob Blesses His Grandchildren”
What were the special characteristics of Ephraim and Menashe that earned them the honor of serving as paradigms in the parents' Shabbat blessings for their male children throughout Jewish history?
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Vayigash 5779-2018
“The Innocent Victim”
When Joseph asked, "Is my father still alive?" he was asking his brothers how could they have been so unconcerned for the feelings of their poor father Jacob, who for 22 years, was inconsolable over the loss of Joseph.
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Mikeitz 5779-2018
"Why Did You Treat Me So Badly"
There was but a single instance in Jacob’s life where he complained to G-d about being treated badly. Jacob’s faithful attitude teaches the importance of having faith in G-d at all times, and that even in times of darkness, we must look forward to the dawning of a beautiful sun-filled tomorrow.
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Vayeishev 5779-2018
“The Mystical Aspects of the Sale of Joseph”
The sale of Joseph by his brothers certainly impacted on the course of Jewish history. The story behind the sale is especially fascinating in its consequences.
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Vayishlach 5779-2018
“Jacob’s Challenging Life”
Our Patriarch Jacob, lived a life of many challenges. Yet, he never gave up hope and never became bitter. There is much to learn from father Jacob about facing and living with overwhelming adversity.
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Vayeitzei 5779-2018
“The Deceivers are Deceived”
Jacob, the deceiver of Esau, is himself deceived by Laban. Torah law insists that employer-employee relationships must be based on truth and honesty.
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Toledot 5779-2018
“The Dangers of Assimilation”
When peace was made between him and the king of Gerar, Isaac realized that it was time to move away, to distance himself so that he could maintain his strong Jewish identity and live a full Jewish life with intensity and passion. Contemporary Jews, may need to do the same to ensure their own continuity.
0 Comments8 Minutes