Va’eira 5777-2017
"The Dangers of Self Delusion”
When Pharaoh saw that there was relief from the plague of frogs, he hardened his heart. There is grave danger in self-delusion, thinking that now that relief has arrived, we will no longer be held accountable.
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Shemot 5777-2017
“From Whence Shall Come My Salvation?”
Sometimes the source of salvation can be traced back to the actual challenge itself.
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Vayechi 5777-2017
“The Passing of the Last of the Patriarchs”
According to tradition, Jacob was the first man to die of disease. The world is still unresolved regarding the benefits of a sudden death as opposed to a long terminal illness.
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Vayigash 5777-2017
“No ‘Man’ was with Joseph”
Why does Scripture emphasize twice that no man (“Ish”)stood with Joseph when he revealed himself to his brothers?
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Mikeitz/Chanukah 5777-2016
“Pharaoh Was Agitated”
Why was Pharaoh agitated and disturbed by his dream. Certainly Pharaoh knew that most dreams are mere fantasy?
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Vayeishev 5777-2016
“The Voice Within Us”
At the moment of supreme passion, when Joseph was about to yield to the temptations of Potiphar’s wife, the vision of Jacob appears before his eyes, causing Joseph to flee from seduction. Those visions and voices of parents or influential role models are available to all who need help during times of challenge.
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Vayishlach 5777-2016
“Esau and Jacob Embrace and Kiss: Sincere or Insincere?”
After more than two decades of separation, Esau and Jacob meet and embrace. Is the reunion a true reconciliation or a temporary respite in the hatred that is deeply ingrained?
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Vayeitzei 5777-2016
“The Great Deception”
Deceptions are found frequently in the book of Genesis. While they are often painful and devastating, they, on occasion, lead to great redemption and salvation.
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Toledot 5777-2016
“The Exceptional Power of Prayer”
A powerful lesson regarding the immense power of prayer is taught when Isaac and Rebecca pray for a child and G-d responds affirmatively, with the births of Esau and Jacob.
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Chayei Sarah 5777-2016
“Sarah Dies at Age 127”
The Matriarch Sarah lived 127 years of righteous life, which served as a model of righteousness for many generations of Jews.
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Vayeira 5777-2016
“There is But No Fear of G-d in this Place”
What did Abraham mean when he concluded that Gerar was a city that possessed no fear of G-d?
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Lech Lecha 5777-2016
“Abram’s Dispute with Lot”
The dispute between the shepherds of Abram and those of Lot was far more than a quarrel over land and possessions. It was due to basic and fundamental philosophical differences regarding ethics and values between Abram and his nephew.
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Noah 5777-2016
“Why was the World Destroyed by a Flood?”
Why was the world destroyed specifically by a flood rather than other methods that are at G-d’s disposal?
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Bereshith 5777-2016
“The Decline and Fall of Humankind”
In parashat Bereshith we encounter the complicated and esoteric relationship between the בְנֵי הָאֱלֹהִים (Sons of G-d) and the daughters of man, that leads to the downfall of humankind.
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Sukkot II 5777-2016
“Why is Sukkot Celebrated in the Fall rather than in the Spring?”
Why is Sukkot celebrated in the fall rather than in the spring?
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Vayeilech-Yom Kippur 5777-2016
“Patience Tempered With Love”
As Joshua is about to assume the mantle of leadership of Israel, Moses charges his disciple to be patient and tolerant with the people and to infuse his feelings for them with abundant love. This was a lesson that Moses himself had learned from G-d Al-mighty.
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Nitzavim-Rosh Hashana 5776/5777-2016
“Israel’s Charge to Impact on the World”
The actions of the Jewish people impact profoundly not only on Jews themselves, but upon all the nations of the world.
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Kee Tavo 5776-2016
“The Power of the Word אָמֵן--‘Amen’”
The common Hebrew word אָמֵן--“Amen,” has a long and colorful history. Its importance cannot be overstated.
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Kee Teitzei 5776-2016
“The Mitzvah of Burying the Dead”
Although it seems odd, the requirement to provide a proper, respectful and swift burial for the deceased is derived from the law of a capital criminal who executed for his vile actions. Its unusual origin, only underscores its importance.
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Shoftim 5776-2016
“The Dangers of Pridefulness"
The rabbis learn the danger of pridefulness for all, from the verse in parashat Shoftim warning the Jewish king not to be prideful.
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Re’eh 5776-2016
“Preserving the Sanctity of Sacred Objects and Sacred Ideas"
The land of Israel, is only one part of the “cult of sanctity” that is central to the Jewish faith. It is, therefore, quite logical to treat all of Judaism’s central features and traditions with utmost awe and sanctity.
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Eikev 5776-2016
“Caring for the Weak and the Vulnerable"
Many, if not most of the mitzvot of the Torah are revolutionary. Yet, perhaps none is more remarkable than the mitzvah to love the stranger, and caring for the weak and the vulnerable.
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Va’etchanan 5776-2016
“Blessing G-d for the Good and the Bad"
Surprisingly, Jews are advised to bless G-d both for the bad as well as for the good. Few recognize that the challenges that we face in life are very often the true source of inner strength and blessing.
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Devarim 5776-2016
“Moses the Stammerer, Becomes a World-Class Orator"
At the Burning Bush, Moses describes himself as “a stammerer and stutterer.” The book of Deuteronomy testifies, however, that the tongue-tied Moses was apparently transformed into a bold and talented orator, whose words resound throughout the world to this very day.
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Matot-Masei 5776-2016
"Rosh Chodesh Av – Remembering the Passing of a Beloved Leader"
Aaron, the High Priest, is the only great figure in the Bible whose exact date of death is known.
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Pinchas 5776-2016
“Pinchas the Zealot, and King David"
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik explains why Pinchas the zealot, who had blood on his hands, was allowed to serve in the Holy Tabernacle as a priest, while King David was not permitted to build the Temple in Jerusalem.
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Balak 5776-2016
“Balaam Sees the Kenites"
It is fascinating to see how the Kenites, one small nation, who seems to play a rather insignificant role, has a profound impact on Jewish destiny and on the stage of world history.
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Chukat 5776-2016
“The Bronze Serpent"
The Biblical serpent has a long and complex history and relationship with the People of Israel. The Bronze serpent represents an important change in the serpent’s role.
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Korach 5776-2016
“Givers and Takers"
The Netziv states that the entire world is divided up between givers and takers. Rabbi Filber shows the great distinction between Moses, the giver, and Korach, the taker.
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Shelach 5776-2016
“A Name Change Becomes a Game Changer"
By changing the name of Hoshea to Joshua, Moses also changes Joshua’s personal powers and his ultimate destiny.
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