Re’eh 5781-2021
“The Elusive Blessing of ‘Peace’”
(updated and revised from Re’eh 5763-2003)
In parashat Re'eh, we read of the "simple" formula for bringing peace to the Jewish people: "hearken to the commands of the L-rd." Over 3,000 years of empirical evidence confirms the fact that there has never been a period of peace for the Jewish people without a concomitant return to G-d. The elusive blessing of peace will be ours if we only "hearken."
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Eikev 5773-2013
"Eating Bread Without Poverty"
How is it possible for G-d to assure the people who reside in the Land of Israel that they will lack nothing?
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Re’eh 5763-2003
"The Elusive Blessing of 'Peace'"
In parashat Re'eh, we read of the "simple" formula for bringing peace to the Jewish people: "hearken to the commands of the Lord." Over 3,000 years of empirical evidence confirms the fact that there has never been a period of peace for the Jewish people without a concomitant return to G-d. The elusive blessing of peace would be ours if we would only "hearken."
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