Kee Tavo 5778-2018
“A Wandering Aramean?”
In the beautiful declaration that plays a prominent role in the Bikkurim ceremony, there is an ambiguous reference to “a Wandering Aramean.”
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Vayeira 5778-2017
“The Alliance with Abimelech”
The alliance that Abraham made in ancient times with Abimelech, King of Gerar, reverberates profoundly throughout Jewish history and in modern times as well.
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Eikev 5777-2017
“Stages of Religious Growth”
Moses presents the people an educational and spiritual “journey” of spiritual growth, from reverence of G-d, to loving Him, and, ultimately, uniting one’s soul with the sanctity of G-d’s Divine Presence.
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Devarim 5777-2017
“The Transformation of Moses is Completed”
The book of Deuteronomy confirms that the transformation of Moses is now complete. The man who said, ”I am not a man of words,” the man who asked, “Did I conceive this entire people, did I give birth to it?,” eventually became the great orator and the thoroughly devoted nursemaid of his people.
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Shelach 5777-2017
“The Slave Mentality”
Without faith, the people cannot overcome their fears that are stoked by a slave mentality. This is not a people who can succeed in the Promised Land. Only a new generation, who have a relationship with the Al-mighty based on a loving faith will enter the land.
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Va’etchanan 5773-2013
"Behold the Beauty of the Land"
Moses pleads with G-d to allow him to enter the Promised Land to see the “good land,” the “good mountain” and “the Lebanon.” What exactly was Moses hoping to accomplish with this fervent plea?
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Lech Lecha 5773-2012
"To the Land that I Will Show You"
Why does the Al-mighty direct Abram to leave his home in Ur Kasdim and go to the land that “He will show him,” rather than specifically instruct Abram to go to the land of Canaan?
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Passover I 5772-2012
“Optimism and Faithfulness”
The message of Passover is the message of Springtime, of optimism and redemption. While we celebrate our salvation by the Al-mighty, we must remember the challenges that our people endured and continue to endure today. We must step forward to show our own personal goodness and, by extension, the extraordinary goodness of our faith and our tradition.
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B’ha’alot’cha 5770-2010
"The Murmurers"
The ancient "murmurers" were people of little faith whose lack of confidence led them to mourn their own lives. Murmuring is hardly only an ancient Jewish manifestation. It is very much part of today's reality, one that leads only to greater tragedy.
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Matot 5765-2005
"Love of G-d Trumps Lust for Life"
In parashat Matot, Moses is told to lead the people in battle to avenge the Midianites and afterwards he will be gathered unto his people. Moses not only does not hesitate, he responds with alacrity and joy, even though he knows that the fulfillment of this command will hasten his death. This diminutive verse reveals much about our leader, our master, Moses.
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