Vayigash 5772-2011
"Joseph and Judah: A Confrontation for Posterity"
The confrontation between Judah and Joseph was not only intended to achieve the release of Benjamin, but was a struggle for the leadership of Israel between two larger-than-life brothers.
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Lech Lecha 5771-2010
“Abram Prays for Others”
The Talmud states that those who invoke G-d’s compassion for their neighbors, and who are in need of a similar response, are answered first. In this week’s parasha, we find two instances where the commentaries indicate that Abram prayed for others.
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Eikev 5770-2010
"The Great, Mighty and Awesome G-d"
The "Anshei K'nesset Hagdolah," Men of the Great Assembly were given that exalted honorific title, because they restored the crown of Divine attributes to its ancient completeness, by returning the original wording of Moses, in his praise of G-d.
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B’shalach 5770-2010
"Va'chamushim - Armed or Otherwise"
When the enslaved Israelites finally leave Egypt, Scripture tells us that they leave "Chamushim," generally translated as armed. The commentators, however, offer many interpretations for the word Chamushim. Even though they are quite different from one another, each interpretation has much validity.
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