Tazria 5782-2022
According to Jewish tradition, the primary cause of the biblical affliction Tzaraat, is L’shon haRah, speaking evil or slanderously of others. In ancient times, when one would speak evil of another person, a rash or infection would appear on the possessions or on the body of the perpetrator. On the surface, the assertion that one can develop a hideous skin rash from speaking evil seems quite preposterous. Yet, there are many precedents in life, science, and medicine, confirming such occurrences.
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Matot-Masei 5772-2012
“Words that Hurt, Words that Heal”
In parashat Matot, we are immediately confronted with the exceptional power of words.
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Tazria 5763-2003
"Tzaraat--The Spiritual Dermatological Disease"
According to Jewish tradition, the primary cause of the affliction tzaraat is lashon hara, speaking evil or slanderously of others. In ancient times, when one would speak evil of another person, a rash or infection would appear on the belongings or on the body of the perpetrator. On the surface, the assertion that one can develop a hideous skin rash from speaking evil seems quite preposterous, yet, there are many precedents for such things in life, science, and medicine.
0 Comments7 Minutes