Shemini 5782-2022
“With the L-rd as Our Partner”
(Updated and revised from Shemini 5764-2004)
On the final day of the ceremony marking the consecration of Aaron and his sons, Moses and Aaron bless the people. This blessing expresses the hope that our human efforts, combined with Divine intervention, will be successful, and that we will unite with G-d in a partnership under the banner of a common purpose.
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Eikev 5780-2020
“The Intermarriage Conundrum”
(updated and edited from parashat Eikev 5761-2001)
In Deuteronomy 7:3, the Jewish people are told not to give their daughters to the sons of the Canaanites or take their daughters for our sons. There really is no entirely compelling argument against intermarriage. It can only be appreciated by those who wish to play a role in the sacred mission of the Jewish people, to teach the world the idea of the sanctity of human life, and to work toward the perfection of the world under the rule of the Al-mighty.
0 Comments17 Minutes
Shemini 5764-2004
"With the Lord as Our Partner"
On the final day of the ceremony marking the consecration of Aaron and his sons, Aaron blesses the people. His blessing expresses the hope that our human efforts, combined with Divine intervention, will be successful, and that we will unite with G-d in a partnership under the banner of a common purpose.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Eikev 5761-2001
"The Intermarriage Conundrum"
In chapter 7 of Deuteronomy, we are told not to give our daughters to the sons of the Canaanites or take their daughters for our sons. There really is no entirely compelling argument against intermarriage. It can only be appreciated by those who wish to play a role in the sacred mission of the Jewish people, to teach the world the idea of the sanctity of human life, and to work toward the perfection of the world under the rule of the Al-mighty.
0 Comments15 Minutes