Tzav 5776-2016
“Dressing Properly for Special Occasions”
The Kohanim (priests) are required to change their priestly garments when performing menial parts of the service, such as removing the ashes from the altar. Tradition teaches us to respect our garments and to dress properly for each occasion
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Passover II 5775-2015
“The Final Days: Expressing Gratitude”
The final days of Passover celebrate the Israelites’ miraculous crossing of the sea. These festival days are meant to remind us that every Jew must strive to relive the miracle of the splitting of the sea every day, and express a full sense of gratitude to the Al-mighty.
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Passover 5775-2015
“Learning to Revere G-d”
The Bet HaLevi explains why the Israelites gained a sense of “Yir’aht Shamayim,” reverence for Heaven, only when they saw the Egyptians drown at the sea, and not earlier when they beheld the Ten Plagues that struck the Egyptians in Egypt.
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