Pekudei 5784-2024
“Building an Everlasting Sanctuary”
(updated and revised from Pekudei 5768-2008)
The Tabernacle had been completed by Kislev. However, it was not erected for another three months, on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. The purpose of the delay was to enable the spirit of our Patriarch Isaac to pervade the Tabernacle. Although the workers and the architects attempted to raise the Tabernacle, only Moses could do so. He blesses the people in a way that emphasizes that the security of the Tabernacle really depends on the sanctity of the people.
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Bo 5781-2021
“The Slave Mentality”
(updated and revised from Bo 5761–2001)
The Mechilta tells us that what a simple maidservant saw at the Red Sea even the greatest prophets of the future were not to see. If G-d was so close and so palpable to the ancient Israelites, how then was it possible for the Jewish people to lose faith so quickly?
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Vayakhel-Pekudei 5775-2015
“Bringing Heaven Down To Earth”
The Biblical narrative describing the final erecting of the Tabernacle teaches that human beings can indeed build an earthly dwelling place for the Divine Presence, and they can even bring the Divine Presence down to earth.
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Pekudei 5768-2008
"Building an Everlasting Sanctuary"
The Tabernacle had been completed after only three months. However, it was not erected for another three months, on Rosh Chodesh Nisan. The purpose of the delay was to enable the spirit of our Patriarch Isaac to pervade the Tabernacle. Although the workers and the architects attempted to raise the Tabernacle, only Moses could do so. He blesses the people in a way that emphasizes that the security of the Tabernacle really depends on the sanctity of the people.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Bo 5761-2001
"The Slave Mentality"
The Mechilta tells us that what a simple maidservant saw at the Red Sea even the greatest prophets of the future were not to see. If G-d was so close and so palpable to the ancient Israelites, how then was it possible for the Jewish people to lose faith so quickly? Unfortunately, this generation of Hebrews, who were brought up in Egyptian slavery that lasted for over 100 years, were unable to disassociate themselves from the slave mentality that they had acquired. Not even miracles could change their fixed attitudes. Therefore, that generation could not enter Israel and had to be replaced with a more appropriate generation, one that was born in freedom.
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