Bereshith 5784-2023
“’Naked’ Means More than Naked”
(updated and revised from Bereshith 5765-2004)
One of the most joyous days of the Jewish calendar, Simchat Torah, as it is celebrated today, is a relatively new holiday that became popular in the Middle Ages, around the 14th century. The customs and rituals of this holiday have interesting origins, and, in fact, seem to still be evolving and developing in contemporary times.
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Bereshith 5765-2004
"'Naked' Means More than Naked"
It is no accident that the Torah states that Adam and Eve were both "ah'roo'mim"-- naked, in the Garden of Eden and that the serpent was "ah'room"-- naked and cunning. Not only was defying G-d by eating the forbidden fruit a loss of innocence for humankind, it also represented the failure of the human being to abide by the only mitzvah that they had been given. And now they were naked. To heal this shortcoming, the human beings are charged to clothe themselves in righteousness, and attire themselves in the words and the spirit of Torah.
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