Chayei Sarah 5785-2024
“Reaching Out to Family Members”
(updated and revised from Chayei Sarah 5765-2004)
Despite the fact that all his family who still resided in his native Mesopotamia were steeped in idolatry, Abraham decides to send Eliezer back to his homeland to find a bride for his son, Isaac. There is much we can learn from Abraham>s perseverance and persistence to reach out to and retrieve his family members who were so distant from his faith and his traditions.
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Yitro 5783-2023
“Why G-d Can Not Share the Limelight.”
(updated and revised from Yitro 5764-2004)
G-d chose to speak directly to the People of Israel when He pronounced the first two statements of the Ten Commandments. These two directives set a path of exclusive monotheistic worship for the Jewish people. These words also established a foundation of moral absolutes in the world, as well as a demand for the practice of ethical behavior expected of all humanity, who are created in G-d's image.
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Behar-Bechukotai 5778-2018
“Torah From Sinai”
The revolutionary laws of Shemitah, of allowing the land to lie fallow every seven years, is a prominent example of laws that confirm the existence of G-d and the divinity of the Torah.
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Re’eh 5773-2013
"How Far Must We Go to Avoid Evil?"
How far must contemporary Jews go to separate from the “new paganism,” from the new evils that not only confront us, but seem bent on consuming us?
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Devarim 5770-2010
"On That Day the Lord Shall Be One and His Name One"
Two little seemingly "throw-away" verses in Deuteronomy, 2:5 and 2:19, powerfully proclaim a singular all-embracing G-d of the world, Who cares for Israel as well as all the nations of the world.
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Chayei Sara 5765-2004
"Reaching Out to Family Members"
Despite the fact that all his family who still resided in his native Mesopotamia were steeped in idolatry, Abraham decides to send Eliezer back to his homeland to find a bride for his son, Isaac. There is much we can learn from Abraham's perseverance and persistence in reaching out to and retrieving his family members who were so distant from his faith and his traditions.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Yitro 5764-2004
"Why G-d Cannot Share the Limelight"
G-d chose to speak directly to the People of Israel when He pronounced the first two statements of the Ten Commandments. These two directives set a path of exclusive monotheistic worship for the Jewish people. These words also created a foundation of moral absolutes in the world, as well as a demand for the ethical behavior expected of those created in G-d's image.
0 Comments8 Minutes