Matot-Masei 5783-2023
The Mitzvah of Living in the Land of Israel”
(updated and revised from Matot-Masei 5764-2004)
In parashat Masei, G-d commands the Jewish people that when they enter the land of Canaan, they are to drive all the Canaanite inhabitants out of the land, for G-d has given the land to the People of Israel to possess it. The ancient tradition holds that there are 613 mitzvot in the Torah. However, there is no definitive listing of those 613 mitzvot. Consequently, the question arises of whether there is an explicit Torah mitzvah to settle in the land of Israel or not. This question was an issue of great dispute between Maimonides and Nachmanides.
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Shoftim 5782-2022
“Astrology, Witchcraft and Spiritualism in Judaism”
(updated and revised from Shoftim 5763-2003)
In parashat Shoftim, the Torah declares, that when the Jewish people enter the land of Israel, they must not follow the abominable practices of the nations that reside there. It is strictly prohibited to cause a son or a daughter to pass through fire, to practice divination or astrology, or to visit one who reads omens. Patronizing a sorcerer, an animal charmer, inquiring of the Ov or Yidoni, or consulting the dead is forbidden. Jews are supposed to be wholehearted with G-d and not support the magic or spirituality of the ancients. The question remains, is there any efficacy to witchcraft or to the magic of the ancients?
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Shoftim 5773-2013
“Egypt: Off Limits to Jews”
The Torah prohibition against residing in Egypt is more than a concern with the immorality of the ancient Egyptian culture. It is intended to serve as a warning to all Jews against residing in any locale where immoral living prevails.
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