Chukat 5782-2022
“A Tribute to Miriam, Our Sister”
(updated and revised from Chukat 5764-2004)
In parashat Chukat, we are informed of the death of Miriam. Who was Miriam, and why was she so special? From the scriptural texts and the Midrashic literature, we learn that, from the time Miriam was barely a child, she was already changing the course of Jewish history with her exceptional leadership abilities and wisdom.
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Vayikra 5780-2020
“Moses, a Leader with a Calling”
(Revised and updated from Vayikra 5761-2001)
Moses’ commitment to serve as G-d’s messenger was thorough and complete. It was therefore no accident that G-d spoke to him, or through him. It was not a happening and not a coincidence. It was the very essence of Moses’ life and the ultimate purpose of his being. It was his “calling.”
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Yitro 5778-2018
“Striving as a Jewish Ideal”
It must be the aspiration of every Jew to be a person of accomplishment, G-d-fearing and a person of truth, and for the People of Israel as a whole to become a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”
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Pinchas 5770-2010
"The Colorful Biography of Pinchas"
Although Pinchas, the son of Elazar the priest, is widely known for his zealotry, he has an astonishing record of achievement that is not widely known. The Talmud and Midrash generously amplify on Pinchas' colorful resume.
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Chayei Sarah 5768-2007
"O Captain, My Captain"
Abraham passes away at age 175. His passing and his burial are described in only four verses. Yet there is much to be gleaned from the nuances of the text. The Midrash and the sages derive many powerful lessons from this brief biblical passage.
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B’shalach 5766-2006
"The Bones of Joseph "
With the more than 2 1/2 million people waiting to be rescued, and thousands of logistical details to review, Moses diverts his attention from the people, to personally attend to the removal and transport of the bones of Joseph from Egypt to Canaan. From this act of unconditional love performed by Moses our leader, our commentators derive many important lessons regarding effective leadership and establishing proper priorities in life.
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Lech Lecha 5766-2005
"Abraham, Father of the Jewish Nation"
Abraham plays such a key role in the development of the Jewish people and in the world arena that there are more chapters devoted to his life than to the creation of the world and to the previous 20 generations of humankind. It is Abraham's ethical and moral character that leads to Abraham being the chosen of G-d. The multi-talented Abraham becomes the religious and nationalistic leader of Israel, and the forefather who takes hold of the land of Israel/Canaan for the Jewish people.
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Matot 5765-2005
"Love of G-d Trumps Lust for Life"
In parashat Matot, Moses is told to lead the people in battle to avenge the Midianites and afterwards he will be gathered unto his people. Moses not only does not hesitate, he responds with alacrity and joy, even though he knows that the fulfillment of this command will hasten his death. This diminutive verse reveals much about our leader, our master, Moses.
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Chukat 5764-2004
"A Tribute to Miriam, Our Sister"
In Parashat Chukat, we are informed of the death of Miriam. Who was Miriam, and why was she so special? From the scriptural texts and the Midrashic literature, we learn that, from the time Miriam was barely a child, she was already changing the course of Jewish history with her exceptional leadership and wisdom.
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Vayikra 5761- 2001
"Moses, the Leader with a Calling"
Moses' commitment to serve as G-d's messenger was thorough and complete. It was therefore no accident that G-d spoke to him, or through him. It was not a happening and not a coincidence. It was the very essence of Moses' life and the ultimate purpose of his being. It was his calling.
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