Noah 5784-2023
“Using Technology in the Service of the Al-mighty”
(updated and revised from Noah 5764-2003)
The Tower of Babel, an ill-conceived enterprise, is an example of the harm that results when human creative forces run amok. The use of modern-day advances and technology is positive only when the motive behind such practice is grounded in the Divine architectural plan.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Noah 5780-2019
“The Vital Importance of Truthful Judgment”
(Updated and Revised from Noah 5760-1999)
In the narrative of the Tower of Babel, the Bible depicts a would-be omniscient G-d as having to come down to see the city and the tower that the people had built. If G-d is truly omniscient, why should He have to come down; surely He knows of the wickedness of the people? The Torah is faced with a daunting challenge: Are moral lessons more important than theological truths?
0 Comments12 Minutes
Noah 5774-2013
"Making a Name for Ourselves"
The narrative of the Tower of Babel represents a profound protest against human hubris and over-confidence.
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Lesson 18
Today we take a few minutes to review some of the letters and vowels we've learned in previous lessons. We're also introduced to the term "Short Vowels".
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Lesson 16 & 17
Today, we learn how to read the letter Gimmel as well as a new vowel which makes an Oo sound like in the word Spoon.
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Matot 5768-2008
"Striving for Refined Speech"
In this week's parasha, parashat Matot, we learn of the injunction against profane speech. It is from here that we learn not only to avoid negative speech, but to always strive to make our speech as refined as possible.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Noah 5764-2003
"Using Technology in the Service of the A-lmighty"
The Tower of Babel, an ill-conceived enterprise, is an example of the harm that results when human creative forces run amuck. The use of modern-day advances and technology is positive only when the motive behind such practice is grounded in the Divine architectural plan.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Noah 5760-1999
"Does the Torah Ever Distort the Truth?"
In the story of the Tower of Babel, the Bible depicts a would-be Omniscient G-d as having to come down to see the city and the tower that the people had built. If G-d is truly Omniscient, why should He have to come down; surely He knows of the wickedness of the people? The Torah is faced with a formidable challenge: are moral lessons more important than theological truths?
0 Comments11 Minutes