Tetzaveh 5780-2020
“The True Story of Purim”
(updated and revised from Tetzaveh 5761-2001)
The party that King Ahasuerus throws was not only to prove the King’s legitimacy as a monarch, but also to celebrate the destruction of the Jewish people, confirming that the prophecy of a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem would not be fulfilled. Incredible as it may seem, the Jews of Persia participated in the party with great enthusiasm. For the Jews to be spared from Ahasuerus and Haman, it was necessary for them to rise and to publicly affirm G-d’s supremacy.
0 Comments13 Minutes
Emor 5775-2015
“Distractions, Distractions!”
Just as the ancient priests were bidden to singularly focus on their work in the Sanctuary, so too must all Jews today endeavor to focus on our peoples’ mission to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Tetzaveh 5768-2008
"Clothes Make the Person"
The Talmud teaches that priests could not officiate if they were not attired in their priestly vestments. Should garments make a difference in how we value people?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Tetzaveh-Purim 5761-2001
"The True Story of Purim"
The party that King Ahasuerus throws was not only to prove his legitimacy as a monarch, but also to celebrate the destruction of the Jewish people, to confirm that the prophecy of a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem would no longer be fulfilled. Incredible as it may seem, the Jews of Persia participated in the party with great enthusiasm. For the Jews to be spared from Ahasuerus and Haman, it was necessary for them to rise and to publically affirm G-d's supremacy.
0 Comments11 Minutes