Noah 5780-2019
“The Vital Importance of Truthful Judgment”
(Updated and Revised from Noah 5760-1999)
In the narrative of the Tower of Babel, the Bible depicts a would-be omniscient G-d as having to come down to see the city and the tower that the people had built. If G-d is truly omniscient, why should He have to come down; surely He knows of the wickedness of the people? The Torah is faced with a daunting challenge: Are moral lessons more important than theological truths?
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Rosh Hashana-Nitzavim 5769-2008
"Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water"
In this parasha, which contains many cogent Rosh Hashana messages, Moses calls all the people of Israel together on the last day of his life to reaffirm the people's covenant with G-d, making a point of calling the hewers of the wood and the drawers of water. The Torah, in effect, warns us never to judge people by their professions or outward appearances. We hope that in these Days of Judgment, the Al-mighty will judge us favorably as well.
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Noah 5760-1999
"Does the Torah Ever Distort the Truth?"
In the story of the Tower of Babel, the Bible depicts a would-be Omniscient G-d as having to come down to see the city and the tower that the people had built. If G-d is truly Omniscient, why should He have to come down; surely He knows of the wickedness of the people? The Torah is faced with a formidable challenge: are moral lessons more important than theological truths?
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