Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5775-2015
Having Thoughts About False Gods
The Torah strongly prohibits not only worshiping idols, but even giving credence to their existence. This seems to go against the broad perception of Judaism as an open-minded faith, that encourages intellectual inquiry.
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Tazria-Metzorah-Yom Ha’atzmaut 5775-2015
“Finding the Silver Lining”
The ancient biblical affliction--Tzaraat, seems to convey the message that affliction and disease can at times be redemptive.
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Shemini-Yom HaShoah 5775-2015
“Yom HaShoah: Six Million–Minus One”
More than twenty years ago, Avi London wrote about being miraculously reunited with his long-lost sister who had been separated from her family for 50 years when she was a child in Nazi-occupied Poland.
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Passover II 5775-2015
“The Final Days: Expressing Gratitude”
The final days of Passover celebrate the Israelites’ miraculous crossing of the sea. These festival days are meant to remind us that every Jew must strive to relive the miracle of the splitting of the sea every day, and express a full sense of gratitude to the Al-mighty.
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