Shelach 5775-2015
“The Sin of the Spies--Revisited”
The Baal HaTanya suggests that the sin of the scouts was due to their desire to live in a false utopian world of total spirituality, in the full embrace of the Al-mighty, rather than to have to engage in the real world where they would earn their bread by the sweat of their brow.
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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5775-2015
“Hubris Revisited”
Despite reaching the highest level of spirituality, Aaron, the High Priest of Israel, did not allow success to go to his head, remaining the same modest person that he was before his distinguished appointment to the High Priesthood.
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Naso 5775-2015
“The Fine Nuances of Jealousy”
Even negative attributes, such as jealousy, have their redeeming moments.
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Bamidbar 5775-2015
“Finding Value in Every Task”
The Torah and the commentators note that every Levite had a specific task in the Tabernacle. Apparently, it was necessary to convince the Levites who served in the Temple, that each task was of great importance. It is an important lesson that we today would do well to appreciate.
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