Bamidbar 5776-2016
“A Tiny Letter Conveys a Profound Lesson"
The minor change in the spelling of the name Deuel, gives us much to ponder and has much to teach.
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Bechukotai 5776-2016
“The Tochaycha–G-d’s Daunting Reproof of Israel"
The Tochaycha repeats the dire prediction that G-d will punish those who fail to abide by the Torah “sevenfold for their sins.” The Midrash maintains that there is a seven-step process for those who abandon the Al-mighty and walk away from Jewish life.
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Emor 5776-2016
“The Sabbath: Meeting G-d"
What the Tabernacle/Temple is in space, the Sabbath and festivals are in time. They are both intended to unite G-d with His people
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