Vayigash 5777-2017
“No ‘Man’ was with Joseph”
Why does Scripture emphasize twice that no man (“Ish”)stood with Joseph when he revealed himself to his brothers?
0 Comments8 Minutes
Mikeitz/Chanukah 5777-2016
“Pharaoh Was Agitated”
Why was Pharaoh agitated and disturbed by his dream. Certainly Pharaoh knew that most dreams are mere fantasy?
0 Comments6 Minutes
Vayeishev 5777-2016
“The Voice Within Us”
At the moment of supreme passion, when Joseph was about to yield to the temptations of Potiphar’s wife, the vision of Jacob appears before his eyes, causing Joseph to flee from seduction. Those visions and voices of parents or influential role models are available to all who need help during times of challenge.
0 Comments8 Minutes