Pinchas 5772-2012
“Transferring Power”
Some of the commentators suggest that Joshua was not the only candidate to succeed Moses as leader. Some even suggest that Joshua was not even Moses’ first choice. Why then was he chosen?
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Balak 5772-2012
“Balaam, the Sorcerer, Becomes a Prophet”
When Balaam comes to curse the People of Israel, he arrives as a sorcerer. By the time he departs, he is transformed by G-d into a prophet!
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Chukat 5772-2012
"It is a Decree Before Me–-You Have No Right to Question It!"
The Parah Adumah, the Red Heifer, is one of the most enigmatic laws of the Torah. Rashi declares that the law of the Red Heifer is a decree that mortals have no right to question. Rashi then proceeds to try to explain the enigma.
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Korach 5772-2012
"Jealousy, Lust, and Thirst for Honor"
There is a remarkable confluence between the story of Korach and the statement of Rav Elazar Ha’Kapar that is recorded in Mishnah Avot: “Envy, lust and obsessive desire for glory, remove a person from this world.”
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