Matot-Masei 5777-2017
“Vows and Oaths”
As a unique gift from G-d to humankind, the endowment of speech must be fiercely guarded and used correctly. It is perhaps the most powerful tool in the human repository to bring goodness and blessing to the world.
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Pinchas 5777-2017
"Pinchas and King David"
While both Pinchas and King David killed in the name of G-d to bring sanctity into G-d’s world, only Pinchas was rewarded immediately with the eternal covenant of the priesthood. King David, on the other hand, was denied the right to build the Temple in Jerusalem.
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Balak 5777-2017
“Influencing the Will of G-d”
Balaam seems to be able to influence G-d’s will. Despite G-d’s initial decision not to allow him to go with Balak to curse the Jews, he is eventually allowed to go.
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