Kee Teitzei 5780-2020
“Polygamy and Jewish Tradition”
(Updated and revised from Kee Teitzei 5761-2001)
The Torah very clearly frowns on polygamous relationships. In every single instance in scripture where a man has more than one wife, the relationship is troubled. Why then does the Torah permit a man to have more than one wife, even though it’s discouraged?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Shoftim 5780-2020
"Security for Citizens and Caring for Guests”
(updated and revised from parashat Shoftim 5761-2001)
In parashat Shoftim, we encounter the ritual of Eglah Arufah, the ceremony in which a heifer is put to death. The ritual of Eglah Arufah, underscores that both city officials and hosts, have a responsibility of escorting visitors, to make certain that they can travel safely and securely from one city to another. Those who fail to provide security are held morally responsible. It applies to those who welcome visitors into their homes today as well.
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Re’eh 5780-2020
Re'eh 5780-2020
“Changing and Updating Jewish Law”
(updated and revised from parashat Re’eh 5762-2002)
In parashat Re’eh, we learn of the practice known as shmitat k’safim, of forgiving debts in the seventh year of the Sabbatical cycle. However, because of a proclamation by Hillel the Elder known as Pruzbul , the law of forgiving the debts has hardly ever been practiced. How was Hillel able to cancel a law of the Torah through, what seem to be, legal devices and loopholes?
0 Comments12 Minutes
Vayeitzei 5781-2020
“The Role of Mother Rachel in Jewish History”
(updated and revised from Vayeitzei 2000-5761)
Mother Rachel is not only the great matriarch, she also is considered the great defender of her children--the Jewish people. It is Mother Rachel who watches over her children as they go out to exile and return, passing by her grave located on the road to Bethlehem. How fortunate are her progeny to have a mother who is always there for her children.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Eikev 5780-2020
“The Intermarriage Conundrum”
(updated and edited from parashat Eikev 5761-2001)
In Deuteronomy 7:3, the Jewish people are told not to give their daughters to the sons of the Canaanites or take their daughters for our sons. There really is no entirely compelling argument against intermarriage. It can only be appreciated by those who wish to play a role in the sacred mission of the Jewish people, to teach the world the idea of the sanctity of human life, and to work toward the perfection of the world under the rule of the Al-mighty.
0 Comments17 Minutes
Va’etchanan 5780-2020
“The Mandate for Parental Involvement in Jewish Education”
(updated and revised from Va’etchanan 5761-2001)
The phrase “V’shee’nan’tahm l’vah’neh’chah” and you shall teach your children, found in the Shema prayer, underscores the Torah’s mandate requiring Jews to educate their children. There is no such thing as overdosing on Jewish education, or being too passionate or too extreme about the value of Jewish education. Parents must not compromise on Jewish education. The alternative is very much Jewish oblivion.
0 Comments10 Minutes
Devarim 5780-2020
“Eichah, The Annual Search for Meaning and Introspection”
(updated and revised from Parashat Devarim 5761-2001)
In order for the Fast of the 9th of Av to be meaningful, it is necessary to focus on the fast’s proper message. Eichah and Ah’yeka are two of the prominent themes of Tisha b’Av. G-d asks the Jews: “Where are you? What have you done with your lives? How could this tragedy have possibly happened?” We, of course, need to ask, how can we improve ourselves?
0 Comments9 Minutes