Korach 5784-2024
“Lessons from the Rebels”
(updated and revised from Korach 5765-2005)
The sad story of the rebellion of Korach and his tragic demise are remote and far-removed from the minds and experiences
of most contemporary men and women. There are, however, many profound lessons to be learned from the Korach saga regarding
individual destiny choices, living up to one’s potential and working within the given structures.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Shelach 5784-2024
“Bread Alone”
(updated and revised from Shelach 5765-2005)
On the heels of the grievous sin of the scouts, G-d forbids an entire generation of men, 20 years old and up, to enter the land of Israel. Strangely, the story of the scouts is followed immediately by two Torah portions that focus specifically on Israel--sacrifice and libations, and the giving of challah. The law of challah required that a portion of dough, from every loaf of bread that is baked, be given to the Priest. This gift of challah, underscores the primacy of sustaining our teachers and spiritual leaders, and maintaining the excellence of Jewish education throughout the generations, even in the diaspora.
0 Comments11 Minutes
B’ha’a’lot’cha 5784-2024
“The Message of the Trumpets"
(updated and revised from B'ha'a'lot'cha 5765-2005)
The Torah, in parashat B’ha’a’lot’cha, G-d instructs Moses to fashion two silver trumpets that are to be sounded by the priests at special moments and occasions for the Jewish people. The trumpet is different from the shofar, and is meant to arouse enthusiasm in Jewish life.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Shavuot 5784-2024
Shavuot 5784-2024
“Abba’s Final Shavuot”
(updated and revised from Shavuot 5765-2005)
My father, Moshe Buchwald taught us how to appreciate and beautify the holidays. Of all the holidays, Shavuot was the most engaging of all.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Naso 5784-2024
"A Lesson from the N’seeim--the Tribal Leaders"
(updated and revised from Naso 5765-2005)
The fact that the Torah dwells at great length on the gifts of the tribal princes should serve as a clue that there is much to be learned from this Torah portion and from the behavior of the princes, as well as from the actions of Moses and Aaron.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Bamidbar 5784-2024
“Lessons from Traveling in the Wilderness”
(updated and revised from Bamidbar 5765-2005)
Parashat Bamidbar goes into great detail when describing the setup of the encampment of the ancient Israelites as they traveled and encamped in the wilderness. These details, seemingly insignificant, provide essential lessons for Jews, lessons that must be mastered and implemented in our own lives, to ensure the survival of our people.
0 Comments6 Minutes
Bechukotai 5784-2024
“Achieving Peace and Security for the Jewish People”
(updated and revised from Bechukotai 5765-2005)
Parashat Bechukotai pronounces the ultimate formula for achieving peace for the Jewish people. G-d declares: If the Jewish people wish to attain peace and ultimate blessing, they must follow My decrees and observe My commandments and perform them. Security for Jews, is a factor of the Jewish people’s relationship with G-d.
0 Comments8 Minutes