Vayechi 5779-2018
“Jacob Blesses His Grandchildren”
What were the special characteristics of Ephraim and Menashe that earned them the honor of serving as paradigms in the parents' Shabbat blessings for their male children throughout Jewish history?
0 Comments6 Minutes
Vayigash 5779-2018
“The Innocent Victim”
When Joseph asked, "Is my father still alive?" he was asking his brothers how could they have been so unconcerned for the feelings of their poor father Jacob, who for 22 years, was inconsolable over the loss of Joseph.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Mikeitz 5779-2018
"Why Did You Treat Me So Badly"
There was but a single instance in Jacob’s life where he complained to G-d about being treated badly. Jacob’s faithful attitude teaches the importance of having faith in G-d at all times, and that even in times of darkness, we must look forward to the dawning of a beautiful sun-filled tomorrow.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Vayeishev 5779-2018
“The Mystical Aspects of the Sale of Joseph”
The sale of Joseph by his brothers certainly impacted on the course of Jewish history. The story behind the sale is especially fascinating in its consequences.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Vayishlach 5779-2018
“Jacob’s Challenging Life”
Our Patriarch Jacob, lived a life of many challenges. Yet, he never gave up hope and never became bitter. There is much to learn from father Jacob about facing and living with overwhelming adversity.
0 Comments8 Minutes