Shelach 5779-2019
"Finding Meaning in the Rituals"
(Revised and updated from Shelach 5760-2000)
In parashat Shelach we read the well-known third paragraph of the Shema prayer concerning the Tzitzit, the fringes. It is one thing to profess love of G-d and to accept responsibility and accountability. But, the bottom line in Judaism is always action! By emphasizing the ritual of Tzitzit, fringes, our sages tell us that the essence of our relationship with G-d is how we act toward Him. Professing our love for Him and accepting responsibility and accountability is simply not enough. This, once again, confirms that in Judaism, “rituals work,”–-they really do.
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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5779-2019
“Giving Our Disciples A Firm Grounding”
(Revised and updated from B’ha’a’lot’cha 5760-2000)
Because the Torah employs the unusual expression, “B’ha’a’lot’cha,” when you raise up and kindle the candelabra, our rabbis learn that the priests were to light each new candle in the Menorah until the flame of the new candle was able to rise on its own. This unusual expression is meant to serve as a message to teachers and mentors who are instructed to train and encourage their disciples to stand on their own feet, providing them with multiple educational and religious experiences, in order for them to emerge as healthy disciples, rather than mere sycophants.
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Naso 5779-2019
"Traditional Judaism: Fundamentalist or Ascetic"
(Revised and updated from Naso 5760-2000)
A Nazirite is not permitted to drink wine or eat anything of grape origin. He is not permitted to cut his hair, and is not permitted to come in contact with the dead. While it seems as if Judaism is encouraging asceticism, it does not. Judaism is a religion that promotes a sense of “balance” based on the Torah’s structure and Divine wisdom. That balance is what is reflected in the Torah’s lessons derived from the laws of the Nazir.
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Bamidbar 5779-2019
“The Trials of Being a Public Figure”
(Revised and updated from Bamidbar 5760-2000)
In parashat Bamidbar, the Torah declares: “These are the offspring of Aaron and Moses,” but only the offspring of Aaron are listed. From this textual nuance we learn that those who are not blessed with biological children can still be spiritual parents, like Moses was to Aaron’s children. It also underscores the great challenge facing public figures who must try to balance their own lives with the needs of the community.
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Bechukotai 5779-2019
“The Big ‘IF.’ The Gift of Free Choice”
(Revised and updated from Bechukotai 5760-2000)
The little Hebrew word “im“–“if,” that begins the verse, “If you follow my decrees” is a critical word for all of humankind. It implies that all human beings have a very special gift from G-d–-freedom to choose. Our Torah does not speak of predestination, it speaks of choice. Even the Hebrew word for faith, “Emunah,” begins in Hebrew with the same letters as im, implying choice.
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Behar 5779-2019
“Wronging One Another, the Torah’s Unique Viewpoint”
(Revised and updated from Behar 5760-2000)
Jewish law maintains that vulnerable people must be especially protected from abuse. Therefore, one is forbidden to say even truthful things to them or to others that may be hurtful to them. These remarkable Torah laws provide many insights and directives that are intended to help others behave with more sensitivity toward one another, and create a more caring society.
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