Yitro 5772-2012
"Who is the Real Jethro?"
The Torah portrays Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, as a man of great distinction. No other personage of non-Jewish origin is accorded as much honor. Yet, the Midrash offers several ambivalent portraits of the man.
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B’shalach 5772-2012
"Pharaoh's Ultimate Fate"
In Exodus 15, after the splitting of the sea, Moses leads the People of Israel in triumphant song, and Miriam leads the women of Israel in a song of victory. That is the last that we hear of Pharaoh, or is it?
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Bo 5772-2012
"The Plague of Darkness"
The ninth plague of darkness precedes the most intense and final plague, death of the first born. What exactly occurred during this plague and what role was it meant to play in preparation for the Exodus?
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Va’eira 5772-2012
“The Decline and Collapse of the Egyptian Magicians”
The Bible reports that the Egyptian magicians encourage Pharaoh’s resistance by replicating several of the Ten Plagues. Soon, however, we learn of the precipitous decline and collapse of the Egyptian magicians.
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Shemot 5772-2012
“A Truly Moral Man Goes Out To His Brethren”
Although Jews may prefer to regard Moses exclusively as the leader of the Jewish people, Moses clearly emerges as the shepherd of all humankind.
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