Noah 5776-2015
"Noah - A Hero of Limited Proportions"
In contrast to Abraham’s bold vision and all-encompassing perspectives, Noah is seen as a man of extremely limited vision.
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Bereshith 5776-2015
“Seth--Adam and Eve’s Little-Known Son”
While the story of Cain and Abel is well-known, few are aware that Adam and Eve had a third child, named Seth. It is Seth, who plays the decisive role in the perpetuation of humankind.
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v’Zot Habracha-Simchat Torah 5776-2015
“The Confluence of v’Zot Habracha and the Holiday”
There is a strong connection between the festival of Simchat Torah and parashat v’Zot Habrachah. It is in this parasha that Moses proclaims that the Torah that Moses commanded to us is the heritage of the congregation of Jacob. What is the difference between a “heritage” and an “inheritance,” and how is this distinction transmitted through the celebration of Simchat Torah?
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Haazinu-Sukkot 5776-2015
“The Sukkah In The Sky”
The powerful imagery of the eagle hovering over and protecting its young not only underscores G-d’s role as Israel’s constant protector, but also brings to mind how G-d protected the ancient Israelites by sheltering them in the special Sukkah huts in the wilderness, and continues to protect us today with His great “Sukkah in the Sky.”
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