Kedoshim 5774-2014
“The Prohibition of Taking Revenge”
While it may be part of human nature to seek revenge, the Torah forbids acting on the desire for revenge, or to even bear a grudge.
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Passover 5774-2014
“The Opening Act”
The wise authors of the Hagaddah knew well that if the reader’s or participant’s attention is not captured in the first few moments of the Seder ritual, then the likelihood of success is much diminished. That is why they created a natural, dramatic opening for the Seder, one that has had repeated success for more than two thousand years.
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Acharei Mot 5774-2014
“Prelude to Holiness”
While all agree that the goal of the Torah is to foster a Jewish Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, there is much heated discussion concerning the extent to which one must go to avoid “contamination” from the outside environment.
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Metzorah 5774-2014
“The Peddler and Evil Speech”
A well known Midrash tells of an encounter between the Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Yannai, and a peddler who taught the sage much about the importance of proper speech and the serious transgression of wanton, hurtful speech.
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