Shelach 5772-2012
"Had I Only Known!"
How sad it is that many of us fail to consider the long-range implications of our evil deeds and our inadequate actions.
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B’ha’alot’cha 5772-2012
"Eldad and Medad"
Eldad and Medad are two relatively unknown Biblical personages, and yet, their powerful message and actions continue to resonate loud and clear.
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Naso 5772-2012
"The Most Famous of All Nazarites--Samson"
In parashat Naso we learn of the laws of the Nazarite, a person who seeks holiness. The Nazarite vows not to drink wine or anything derived from grapes, not to cut his hair, nor to become contaminated by coming in contact with the dead. It is for this reason that the rabbis chose the story of Samson, who was also a Nazarite, to serve as the weekly Haftorah, the prophetic message, that supplements this week’s Torah reading.
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Bamidbar – Shavuot 5772-2012
"Techelet--Genuine Sincerity in Faith"
The Torah delineates very specific procedures for preparing the Tabernacle furnishings before the camp of Israel travels in the wilderness. From the priestly procedures to cover the holy furnishings of the Tabernacle, we learn a profound lesson regarding the primacy of faith.
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