Eikev 5771-2011
"Finding the Greatness of G-d in His Humility"
How do mere mortals dare pray to the All-Powerful G-d? Because there is incontrovertible evidence that our omnipotent G-d cares about the weak and the downtrodden. This knowledge serves as our license to pray, to ask that the coming days, weeks and years be times of blessing and beneficence.
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Va’etchanan 5771-2011
"The Ten Commandments: The Differences"
The fact that there are two versions of the Ten Commandments in the Torah with slight differences in the texts raises significant questions. These questions are confronted head-on by the incredibly intellectually honest approach of Jewish scholarship. This educational legacy of Judaism, which encourages students to constantly search for truth, has shaped young Jewish minds for millennia, resulting in unparalleled intellectual achievements.
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Devarim 5771-2011
“The Responsibility not to be Misled”
When recounting the story of the Scouts in the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses omits many details of the original story, while other seemingly less pertinent facts are emphasized. There is a profound lesson that is taught by these unexpected changes about the individual’s responsibility not to be misled.
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Masei 5771-2011
“The Never-Ending Journey of the Jewish People”
It is important to carefully consider and review the ancient journeys of our people and learn from them, both the successes and the failures, as we travel on our own personal journeys to our own longed-for destinations.
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Matot 5771-2011
“Leadership and its Moral Responsibilities”
Parashat Matot underscores the complexity of Jewish leadership. It is from the episode in this parasha that our rabbis derive the important principle that leaders are to be held responsible for the wrongdoings of the people, for they have the power and authority to protest.
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Pinchas 5771-2011
"‘Pinchas’--What’s in a Name?"
Throughout the Torah, the name of a parasha often reflects many, if not most, of the themes found in that particular weekly Torah portion. The story of Pinchas and his G-dly reward, however, is only a very small portion of this week’s parasha. How then is the name parashat “Pinchas” justified?
0 Comments8 Minutes