Yom Kippur 5772-2011
"The Magic of the Day of Atonement"
Yom Kippur, the most awesome day in the Jewish calendar, is also the most magical. Despite our trespasses, G-d guarantees His children forgiveness and redemption.
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Rosh Hashana 5772-2011
“The Dialectic of Joy and Fear”
There is an inherent inconsistency with respect to the nature of the High Holidays. The fear as well as the joy that play prominent roles on these holy days appear to be in conflict.
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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5771-2011
"Renewing the Covenant"
How could Moses have made a covenant with future generations who were unable to agree or disagree with the covenant, or to accept or refuse to be a part of the agreement?
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Kee Tavo 5771-2011
“The Challenge of Bountifulness”
Before threatening the people of Israel with the dire consequences of sin, G-d always blesses them with blessings that will accrue to the nation for faithfully fulfilling His commandments. Is the blessing of abundance truly a blessing, or is intended to be a challenge?
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Kee Teitzei 5771-2011
"Sending the Mother Bird Away"
The Biblical commentators engage in a rigorous debate regarding the rationale behind the mitzvah of "Sheeluach Ha’Kayn"–sending the mother bird away from the nest when taking the chicks or the eggs. Most agree that is has to do with mercy, but not all agree that it is G-d’s mercy. They also differ over what is meant to be the ultimate purpose of this mitzvah.
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