Tetzaveh 5781-2021
“The Korban Tamid--a Lesson in Consistency”
(updated and revised from Tetzaveh 5762-2002)
The Tamid, the perpetual offering, was brought every morning and afternoon of every day of the year. Unfortunately, we no longer have a Temple and can no longer offer sacrifices. All we have is prayer. Now we must show our consistency and faithfulness to G-d through our prayers.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Terumah 5781-2021
“The Mishkan and the Sanctity of the Jewish Home”
(updated and revised from Terumah 5763-2003)
The fact that the Mishkan--the Tabernacle--and its central furnishings so closely resemble the Jewish home, underscores the sanctity of the Jewish domicile. By analyzing each of the Tabernacle's furnishings, we uncover the invaluable symbolic meanings of these furnishings that deserve to be found in every Jewish home.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Mishpatim 5781-2021
“‘An Eye for an Eye’ in Jewish Law”
(updated and revised from Mishpatim 5762-2002)
If an "eye for an eye" in the Bible does not literally mean an eye for an eye, but rather monetary compensation, why then does the Torah use this expression?
0 Comments10 Minutes
Yitro 5781-2021
“Structural Secrets of the Decalogue”
(updated and revised from Yitro 5762-2002)
The Torah contains some very powerful subliminal messages that may not be articulated in the text itself, or written in the letters and the ink, but may be found instead in the white spaces. That is why there are many lessons to be learned from simply studying the structure of the Ten Commandments.
0 Comments7 Minutes
B’shalach 5781-2021
“G-d: The Source of Sweetness”
(updated and revised from B’shalach 5762-2002)
Immediately after the great miracle of the parting of the seas, the Jews arrived at a place called Marah, where the water had turned bitter. G-d instructs Moses to throw a bitter branch into the water, and miraculously the waters become sweet. Our commentators suggest that the Torah wishes to convey the message to humankind that ultimately there is really no such thing as "bitter or sweet." Whatever we experience is merely a reflection of G-d's will.
0 Comments9 Minutes