B’ha’a’lot’cha 5777-2017
“The Convert and the Second Passover”
The fascinating laws of פֶּסַח שֵׁנִי--Pesach Shay’nee, the second Passover, not only inform us of the true reasons for Passover observance, but also enlighten us regarding important practices in determining Jewish law.
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Naso 5777-2017
"G-d's Gift of a Second Chance"
G-d instructed Moses to command the People of Israel to purify the camp by expelling those Israelites who were impure. The Midrash maintains that those expelled were rebellious and ungrateful people who had been previously healed by G-d, and rejected G-d to embrace the Golden Calf.
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Bamidbar 5777-2017
“The Danger of Seeing the Holy Furnishings”
The closing verses of parashat Bamidbar underscore the great sanctity of the Torah, a particularly timely theme for the eve of Shavuot.
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Behar-Bechukotai 5777-2017
“If Your Brother Becomes Impoverished”
The mitzvah to redeem the land of a fellow Jew who has become impoverished has an important metaphoric message for contemporary times.
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