Shemini 5783-2023
“The Little Steps that Lead to Big Accomplishments”
(updated and revised from Shemini 5765-2005)
In parashat Shemini we learn that Moses and Aaron come into the Tent of Meeting. From the Torah’s emphasis on the “steps” that they took in coming, we learn the vital importance of the little, often-dismissed, actions. These actions should not be treated lightly. Indeed, they are to be highly regarded and valued as integral and primary parts of the ultimate goal.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Passover 5783-2023
If the Egyptian magicians were able to replicate some of the plagues that G-d visited upon Egypt, why couldn't they remove any of the plagues that G-d sent? Was Moses the agent of G-d who brought about the plagues, or was he more than that? Through the Biblical text, an interesting lesson is learned about the true nature of his leadership.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Tzav 5783-2023
“Making the Menial Hallowed and the Mundane Holy”
(updated and revised from Tzav 5764-2004)
Examining the priestly service, we find something rather perplexing: the holy Cohanim/Priests who are engaged in honorable rites with much pomp and circumstance, begin the holy service with a decidedly menial duty each morning. The first service of the day involves removing and transferring the day-old waste of yesterday's ashes. This act not only serves to keep a priest's ego in check, it also teaches a valuable lesson about how truly important the "small stuff" really is.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Vayikra 5783-2023
“The ‘Sacrifice’ that Lasts Forever”
(updated and revised from Vayikra 5765-2005)
Much of the Book of Leviticus, especially parashat Vayikra, deals with the rites and rituals of animal sacrifice. Sacrifice, however, does not only mean the sacrifice of animal offerings in the Tabernacle, it also means the Jew’s preparedness to do everything that is necessary to guarantee that Jewish children are given proper Jewish educations, thus ensuring a bright Jewish future.
0 Comments6 Minutes
Vayakhel-Pekudei 5783-2023
“Celebrating the Month of Nissan”
(updated and revised from Vayakhel-Pekudei 5764-2004)
The Jewish month of Nissan, the first month that was celebrated by the Israelites after the birth of the Jewish nation, is heralded each year by an additional reading from the Torah on Shabbat HaChodesh. This special Shabbat serves as a reminder for the Jewish people that G-d grants His people solace in times of grief, support in the face of challenge, and light in the darkest of hours. The month of Nissan signals that redemption and renewal are at hand, and will soon blossom forth.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Kee Tisah 5783-2023
“The Story of Esther--Making Choices for Jewish Destiny”
(updated and revised from Kee Tisah 5762-2002)
Summary: When Esther receives the report that Mordechai is leading a great mourning and wailing, she is thrown into a panic. Some commentators regard Esther's reaction as a personal failure on the Queen's part to rise to the challenge. In effect, Esther responds to Mordechai's appeal by saying, "Do you expect me to risk my life and compromise my lofty position in the Persian Empire for the Jewish people?" Fortunately, Mordechai's response to Esther strikes a sensitive chord. Despite her initial reluctance, Esther redeems herself, fulfills her mission brilliantly, and goes on to become one of the great heroic figures of Jewish history.
0 Comments14 Minutes