Mishpatim 5771-2011
"Protecting the Rights of a Wife"
From the references to the Hebrew handmaiden that are found in parashat Mishpatim, our rabbis develop revolutionary guidelines regulating the treatment of Jewish wives.
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Yitro 5771-2011
"The Dark Side of Judaism"
Not only does the Torah revolutionize theology by declaring that Jewish religious leaders are fallible, it goes much further, often even highlighting their shortcomings. This is so very different from what is portrayed by other faith systems, where religious leaders are always infallible and never depicted as mistaken or ever saying or doing anything wrong.
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B’shalach 5771-2011
"Avoiding the Philistines"
Despite G-d’s intentions to bring the people to the Promised Land, G-d does not lead the Israelites on a direct route to Canaan. The commentators question: What was the Al-mighty’s strategy in taking a roundabout route?
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Bo 5771-2011
“‘Is This What You Call Borrowing?’--Revisited”
In this week’s analysis, we offer two additional significant responses, attempting to explain how the Israelites were permitted to “borrow” vessels of gold and silver from their Egyptian neighbors, emptying out Egypt.
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Va’eira 5771-2011
"Messages from the Nile"
As the central feature of Egypt, it was logical that the Nile would be the first object of G-d’s wrath. Hence, the first two plagues, blood and frogs, are visited upon the Nile. But, there is much more that the Nile represents.
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