Bamidbar 5775-2015
“Finding Value in Every Task”
The Torah and the commentators note that every Levite had a specific task in the Tabernacle. Apparently, it was necessary to convince the Levites who served in the Temple, that each task was of great importance. It is an important lesson that we today would do well to appreciate.
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Behar-Bechukotai 5775-2015
“The Odd Conclusion to the Book of Leviticus”
Rabbi Dr. Hayyim Angel asks why the book of Leviticus ends with the Tochacha, G-d’s fearsome reproof of the Jewish people, and is followed by a series of instructions regarding the redemption of vows and tithes.
0 Comments7 Minutes
Emor 5775-2015
“Distractions, Distractions!”
Just as the ancient priests were bidden to singularly focus on their work in the Sanctuary, so too must all Jews today endeavor to focus on our peoples’ mission to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
0 Comments11 Minutes