Vayeitzei 5776-2015
“Disclosing Personal Information For Shidduch Purposes”
The issue of relating private information for the sake of marriage is a serious one. The first encounter between Jacob and Rachel reveals some interesting facts and has bearing on this issue.
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Toledot 5776-2015
"Rebecca Inquires of G-d"
The Torah reports that Rebecca seeks an answer for her terrible pains of pregnancy by inquiring of G-d. Who does Rebecca seek and what does she find?
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Chayei Sarah 5776-2015
“The Legacy of Ishmael”
The tendency of the descendants of Jacob to diminish the “specialness” of the children of Ishmael may be understandable, especially in light of the painful contemporary events. Nevertheless, upon examining the Biblical sources, it is impossible to deny the special qualities and endowments of the children of Ishmael.
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Lech Lecha 5776-2015
“What’s in a Name?—a Change of Destiny”
A change of name in Jewish tradition often means a change in destiny, and in certain instances, a dramatic transformation in the history of humankind.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Vayeira 5776-2015
“The Trials of Abraham”
According to the Mishnah in Avot, Abraham faced ten trials in his life. It was Abraham’s preparedness to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac, through which Abraham succeeded in cleansing himself and the world from the primordial sin of the Garden of Eden.
0 Comments15 Minutes