Passover I 5772-2012
“Optimism and Faithfulness”
The message of Passover is the message of Springtime, of optimism and redemption. While we celebrate our salvation by the Al-mighty, we must remember the challenges that our people endured and continue to endure today. We must step forward to show our own personal goodness and, by extension, the extraordinary goodness of our faith and our tradition.
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Tzav 5772-2012
“Spiritual Movements in the Life of a Jew”
In this week’s parasha we learn of the waving of parts of the peace offering sacrifice. The Lubavitcher Rebbe suggests that this waving has much to do with the spiritual movements in the life of a Jew.
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Vayikra 5772-2012
“Pass the Salt, Please!”
In parashat Vayikra we learn of the obligation of placing salt on all sacrificial offerings, including all animal, wheat and wine offerings. What is the purpose and function of this ritual?
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Vayakhel-Pekudei 5772-2012
“A United People Build the Tabernacle”
What were the special qualities of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), which ensured its durability, that were not found in the permanent Temples of Jerusalem?
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Kee Tisah 5772-2012
"The Preeminence of Shabbat"
Smack in the middle of the Torah portions dealing extensively with the building of the Tabernacle, the Torah boldly exhorts the people to observe the Sabbath day. What is the relationship between Shabbat and the building of the Temple and Tabernacle?
0 Comments12 Minutes