Yitro 5776-2016
“Apparently, Not All Converts are Created Equal”
Apparently, not all converts are created equal. Jethro represents the best of all the converts, and serves as a true paradigm for future generations.
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B’shalach 5776-2016
“The Small ‘Stuff’ is not Always Small”
Even the most seemingly “insignificant” Torah verses teach profound lessons.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Bo 5776-2016
“How Impactful was the Plague of Locusts?”
The plague of locusts is unique among the ten plagues that were visited upon the Egyptians, because it contained a message for Pharaoh, for the Egyptians and for the People of Israel, as well. How impactful was the plague of locusts?
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Va’eira 5776-2016
“The Lessons of Genealogy”
The genealogy of Moses and Aaron teaches many important principles about life, and provides insightful life lessons for all to master.
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Shemot 5776-2016
"By What Right Does Moses Kill The Egyptian?”
The commentators are perplexed by Moses’ extremely aggressive response to the Egyptian who was beating the Hebrew. By what authority did Moses take the life of the Egyptian?
0 Comments8 Minutes