Vayakhel-Pekudei 5773-2013
"The Jewish Connection"
The minutely detailed architectural plans of the Tabernacle and the precise designs of the priestly vestments underscore the interconnectedness of all the vessels and vestments. Interconnectedness is a vital feature of human life, and a most profound element of the Jewish religion.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Kee Tisah 5773-2013
“The Vengeful G-d--Revisited”
The last of the 13 Attributes of G-d’s mercy is that G-d will not completely cleanse sinners. Is the G-d of the Hebrew Bible a “vengeful G-d”?
0 Comments9 Minutes
Tetzaveh 5773-2013
"The Centrality of Light"
Why does the commandment of lighting the candles appear at the beginning of this week’s parasha, rather than after the completion of the building of the Mishkan and the placement of the utensils?
0 Comments9 Minutes
Terumah 5773-2013
"Form Over Content, or Content Over Form?"
Why did Moses change G-d’s instructions and direct Bezalel to first build the furnishings and vessels of the Tabernacle, and only then build the Tabernacle structure?
0 Comments8 Minutes