Korach 5773-2013
“The Rebellion Against the Lonely Leader”
What sparked the rebellion against Moses? Why was this great man the lonely leader of Israel?
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Shelach 5773-2013
"Tzitzit: The Unpretentious Mitzvah"
Tzitzit, the mitzvah of wearing fringes on four-cornered garments, has many facets and multiple contemporary implications.
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B’ha’alot’cha 5773-2013
"Contemporary Implications of Ancient Rebellions"
In parashat B’ha’alot’cha, we read of two egregious rebellions that occurred on the heels of the momentous Revelation at Sinai. There is much to be learned from the timeless lessons that emerge from these episodes.
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Naso 5773-2013
“Playing the Subordinate Role: A Lesson from the Levites”
The commentators suggest that there is much to learn from the Gershonites and Merarites about how a person should view a seemingly subordinate role.
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